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Learn The Ways Of The Asian Language With Technovate Translations

Asian Language Translation

Japanese translation was a major issue when they suffered a massive earthquake, and then there was the subsequent tsunami as people were scrambling to send and receive information about friends and family who may have been affected, as well as the general news sources who were attempting to translate in a hurry. But it does not take a significant event such as that for translation to become an issue when trying to communicate with Asia, or citizens from Asia who are attempting to interact with another part of the world. It happens in everyday life, in everything from the field of medicine to law and of course, business and politics. Technovate Translations offers premium service when it comes to navigating the avenues of communication, and we will help you hurdle any obstacles you may have.

Translation was also an issue when the leaders of the United States and China met in Washington D.C. in January 2011, and the sensitive matter of humans rights brought it to the forefront. United States President Barack Obama was asked a question by Chinese President Hu Jintao, and his extended response was not being simultaneously translated, which led to a drawn-out period in the meeting, which was being televised. The same question was then posed to Hu, who would not answer the question but not because he did not want to. Hu explained his stance on the issue later on the meeting in full, but said that he had not received a proper translation. This also led some questioning in the Chinese translation to English when President Obama was queried, and when that happens, that can lead to a matter of mistrust. On a political and global scale, that cannot happen, and the ramifications of this could have been much, much worse than they were. That is where a company like Technovate Translations comes into play as our translators are accurate and thorough, and we understand how a simple misunderstand could blow a seemingly small thing completely out of proportion.

Another situation that arose, this time when it comes to Korean translation to English, occurred when a document pertaining to the Korea-European Union Free Trade Agreement contained a lot of mistakes when the translations were made, and it was not just when the translation was made into English; issues were found in the German and Spanish versions as well, but in particular, the English version of the article contained concepts that were not even mentioned in the Korean version. That led to a delay in the agreement being signed, which means that there are additional costs, and other things that no one can deal with until that agreement is completely accurate.

Technovate Translations is here to ensure that major problems like the two above examples do not happen, but they can also aid you if you are planning to travel to Asia and would like some tips on how to communicate there, or if you have to get some crucial documents translated and notarized such as birth certificates, marriage certificates and others. Technovate Translations will definitely led a helping hand if you are looking to close that big business deal with an Asian client, and we have over 3,000 translators who are not only experts in linguistics, but when it comes to business, medicine, law, etc., so you are not just getting someone who will translate what you want word-for-word, but they will understand the context and are able to give you tips on how to clarify what you want. But it is not just the high quality of our work that has given Technovate Translations such a great reputation in our industry, it is also our exemplary customer service which is second none, and we have representatives that are ready and available to take your order 24 hours a day on our toll free hotline, or you can contact any of our offices which are located in Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Seattle, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. But even though our offices are based in North America, we have representatives and translators scattered across the globe in order to ensure that you get the type of service you need and deserve. Expand your horizons and learn the nuances of the Asian languages with Technovate Translations; from Japanese to Chinese, from Korean to Sri Lankan, from the Philippines to Vietnamese translation, Technovate Translations is there to support your journey through the process.


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